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pork, 54x84", oil on canvas
pork, 54x84", oil on canvas
of cabbages and kings, 46x60", oil on canvas
1964, 30x72", oil on two canvases
mailbox, 48x60", oil on canvas
final straw with footnote, 72x83", oil on canvas
flying giraffe, 56x72", oil on canvas
bunnies, 36x30", oil on canvas
the golden pear, 78x66", oil on canvas
struggle to see the forest or a tree, 48x72", oil on canvas
ladies lunch sung by almost greek chorus GC, 48x60", oil on canvas
my little pigeon, 48x60", oil on canvas
give the dog a bone, 38x54", oil on canvas
hoping, 30x40", oil on canvas
what if, 30x40", oil on canvas
summertime opera, 42x38", oil on canvas
tomorrow, 36x72", oil on canvas
dear dear, 38x42", oil on canvas